Finance Support for Teacher Training

Our course fees depend on the type of ITT that you choose, and whichever type of course you undertake, there are a variety of sources of financial support

Postgraduate Tuition Programmes

Most trainees pay for their tuition fees by obtaining a loan from Student Finance but there are other methods as well so it is worth exploring these.

More information on all our courses is available from the ‘Programmes’ page.

For enquiries, please contact [email protected].

A full-time course leading to Qualified Teacher Status only - £8,835

A full-time course leading to Qualified Teacher Status with Post Graduate Certificate in Education - £9,535

A part-time course over two years leading to Qualified Teacher Status only (secondary only) - £12,660 in total

A part-time course over two years leading to Qualified Teacher Status with a Post Graduate Certificate in Education (secondary only) - £13,360 

You can apply for loans to cover your tuition fees and maintenance at

Click here to read more on the Gov. website.

Postgraduate teaching bursaries and scholarships are only available for the subjects listed below. You cannot receive both a teaching bursary and a scholarship.

You must be eligible for student finance to receive a bursary or scholarship (unless you’re training to teach physics or languages).




Art and Design












Design and Technology









(French, German and Spanish only)



(all other languages, including ancient languages)












Religious Education




You do not need to apply for a bursary. If you’re eligible, you’ll automatically receive it.

To be eligible for a bursary, you’ll need at least one of the following:

  • a bachelor’s degree class 2:2 (honours) or higher
  • a master’s degree
  • a PhD

If your course combines 2 subjects (for example, English and history), at least 50% of your course content must be made up of the bursary subject to be eligible.

You’ll also need to meet the bursary scheme’s individual terms and conditions.



To be eligible for a scholarship, you’ll need at least one of the following:

  • a bachelor’s degree class 2:1 (honours) or higher
  • a master’s degree
  • a PhD

In exceptional circumstances, if you achieved a 2:2 in your degree you may still be awarded a scholarship if you have significant relevant experience.


Scholarships are provided by charitable organisations with a passion for their subject area.

They offer more than just financial benefits, including:

  • subject specialist events and webinars
  • online and face-to-face workshops
  • mentoring and coaching
  • a community of ex-scholars, teachers and subject leaders
  • access to classroom resources
  • networking events during your teacher training and beyond

How to apply

Scholarships are offered by independent institutions. They set their own eligibility criteria and you’ll need to apply through the relevant scholarship body:

Each scholarship body will have its own deadline for applications. You can find these on their individual websites.


BA (Hons) Childhood: Primary Education with QTS

This is an undergraduate course.

Most trainees pay for their tuition fees by obtaining a loan from Student Finance but there are other methods as well so it is worth exploring these.

More information on all our courses is available from the ‘Programmes’ page.

This is an undergraduate degree leading to a BA (hons) and Qualified Teacher Status. It is delivered in partnership with the University of Suffolk. The tuition fee is £9,250 per academic year. You can apply for loans to cover tuition fees and maintenance at


Assessment Only

More information on all our courses is available from the ‘Programmes’ page.

For enquiries, or if you think you meet the criteria for this programme, please contact [email protected].

This route leads to Qualified Teacher Status only. The route costs £3000. No bursaries are available. This is not a training programme. It is only available to applicants who are currently employed by a school, who have been teaching full time for two years including planning, teaching and assessing pupils, and who have taught in two different schools and across two key stages. For more information contact [email protected] if you think you might meet the criteria.
